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Fur Baby Keepsake Book & Purr Baby Mementos Book!

Celebrate your dog or cat with these special baby books!  Complete with places to add pictures, vet records, "baby's firsts," and more!  Both cat and dog baby books are available with a blue, green or pink cover.  The interior is black and white.  Perfect gift for dog lovers, or for someone who has just brought a new fur baby into their home.   What a delightful way to record everything important about your pet, and look back upon for years to come!

Dog baby book|cat Baby book|Dog Mementos book|Cat Mementos book|Puppy mementos book|Kitten mementos book|puppy journal|Kitten Journal|Dog records|Cat records|Personalized book for your cat|personalized book for your dog

Fur Baby Keepsake Book (for Dogs)

Fur Baby's Keepsake Book Cover

A One-of-a-Kind, 6x9 Fill-In-The-Blank Keepsake for your Dog.

In this black and white book, you'll find dozens of topics to talk about regarding your dog's first years and beyond.  A canine version of the human baby books, there's plenty of room for photographs and threaded between is a spot for you to paste an envelope with a piece of your dog's fur or old ID tags.

Record vet records and special moments.  Don't forget every milestone counts!  

"Raising awareness about dog adoption and rescue, one book at a time!"

There is an updated version in full color, 8x11.  To view that version, click the button below.

Dog baby book|cat Baby book|Dog Mementos book|Cat Mementos book|Puppy mementos book|Kitten mementos book|puppy journal|Kitten Journal|Dog records|Cat records|Personalized book for your cat|personalized book for your dog|Milestone keepsake book|Keepsake memory book|Pet memorial keepsakes

Purr Baby Mementos Book

A One-of-a-Kind, Fill-In-The-Blank Memento book for your cat.

In this illustrated 6x9 book, you'll find dozens of topics to talk about regarding your cat's first years and beyond.  A feline version of the human baby books, there's plenty of room for photographs and threaded between is a spot for you to paste an envelope with a piece of your cat's fur or old ID tags.

There is an updated version in full color, 8x11.  To view that version, click the button below.

Dog baby book|cat Baby book|Dog Mementos book|Cat Mementos book|Puppy mementos book|Kitten mementos book|puppy journal|Kitten Journal|Dog records|Cat records|Personalized book for your cat|personalized book for your dog|Keepsake memory book|pet memorial keepsakes

The Cover of Purr Baby Mementos Book
2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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