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Passionate: A no-nonsense, impassioned book about dogs, achievements, living life to the fullest and writing.

A powerful and prodigious book about down-to-earth lessons inspired by the easy-going life of dogs. A dynamic and enthusiastic approach for those commitment-minded people who desire to savor their creative side and stimulate daily life.  For those who are ready to indulge in the tantalizing rewards of a passionate lifestyle, this book is for you.


A no-nonsense, impassioned book about dogs, achievements, living life to the fullest and writing. 

Live passionately!



“Enjoy your life.  Dream big.  And chase those dreams.  Can't catch them?  So what.  You tried.  Does a dog get depressed if they can't catch that squirrel?  Nope!  They just move on to the next one and try, try again. Life flies by in a blink.  Get out there and enjoy it.”

2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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