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Paw Prints in the Sand:
Mission Accomplished

Paw Prints in the Sand: Mission Accomplished is the second book in the Paw Prints in the Sand series. For those who want/need to know, the dog does not die in this book!

The game of life.  It's a challenging one— sometimes breeding days of triumph while other times propagating feelings of despair.

For many, the picture they've painted for themselves might appear dismal and bleak, but if they make the choice to paint with a different brush, they have the power to change their outlook—quite often with a little help.

You often hear stories about how people rescue dogs, but quite often, it is the opposite that is true.  For Harrison Carter, his canvas couldn't have displayed a more dreadful future, he was about to discover one of the best kept secrets for happiness. One he never thought could...and would change his life forever.



Book 1- Paw Prints in the Sand

Book 2- Paw Prints in the Sand: Mission Accomplished

Book 3- Hearts of Gold

Cover for Paw Prints in the Sand: Mission Accomplished.  A Heartwarming book about dogs and how they rescue us
2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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