When we think of adopting a dog, we think about the fun things we can do them, the unconditional love, the snuggles, and the extraordinary life ahead with them.
They enrich our lives every day and deserve to have a wonderful life as well.
All of that is true, and there are many benefits to sharing your home with a dog! But are dogs affordable?
Companionship and Love From your Dog

Most dogs love people and are happy spending all their time with their families. A dog enhances that warm dynamic, whether your family is large or small. After all, our dogs are happy being in our company, no matter how fun or boring we might be.
Most dogs will happily oblige if you're looking for a walking partner. Have a lonely night watching Netflix? Do not worry; your pup will snuggle next to you, ready to watch whatever show you want. Of course, it wouldn't hurt to put a couple of dog movies on occasionally!

If your child has trouble reading, why not let them read to your pup? Dogs are the most incredible listeners, and won't rush them along or criticize their words!
Or, if you are ever having one of those days where the world seems to be against you, you can always count on your pup to show you the love and attention you need.
While not all dogs are watchdogs, having one in the home is an excellent deterrent against prowlers. No matter how boisterous the bark is, it makes strangers think twice about entering your home.
Sometimes, we've read all the books we feel like reading or watched every binge-worthy television show. Our friends are all busy, and we don't feel like leaving the house anyway. There is someone ready to keep you company, and, in the process, they may amuse you with their silly antics! I can't count how often I've spent hours watching my dog throw his ball in the air, spin around in circles, or play with their favorite toy. Watching my dogs is often more enjoyable than a show on the Strip!
Research indicates that petting a dog can lower your heart rate and help lower the stress hormone cortisol. This little activity that gives you and your dog so much joy can also help lower your blood pressure, ease anxiety, boost brain activity, and help you relax!
Your pup will reap the benefits, too, because they love getting pet. It releases oxytocin, which is a feel-good hormone!
Have you ever depended on a friend or family member to join you on your morning jog, only to find they have been too busy lately? Life happens, and sometimes we can't always live according to someone else's schedule. Dogs would love to join you if you are looking for ways to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. If they are runners, take them on a jog. If they are a little less active, take them for multiple short daily walks. They'll be enthusiastic about joining you, and it will also help mentally stimulate them.

Are Dogs Affordable?

Here comes the challenging part.
I've heard many people claim they don't like adopting senior dogs, as with age comes health issues.
However, there is no guarantee when adopting a puppy either. Unfortunately, some puppies can have hidden illnesses since birth.
Before adopting any dog, there are many things to consider. One of those things are finances.
We know the basics: food, water, treats, and toys. But you may be reaching for that credit card more often with some dogs.

Training Devices For Your Dog:
Often, we don't know their true colors when adopting a dog, whether a puppy or full-grown, until a few weeks or months later. While initially, they may seem well-mannered, they can certainly have some tricks up their sleeves!
If training is easy, you are off the hook, but training equipment can add up!
You may need a clicker, wee-wee pads, a harness, a special collar or leash, a seatbelt, a whistle, baby gates, pens, crates, a ramp, or stairs to get into the car, and let's not forget training treats!
While these items may not cost much individually, by the time you have purchased some or all of them, they add up to a pretty penny.
For more challenging dogs, you may need training classes, which can rise upward of one thousand dollars depending on your needs.
All dogs need a bath and their nails clipped once in a while. In addition, they need their ears cleaned. Whether you choose to do this on your own, or enlist the care of a professional groomer, it will still cost money. Buying your own supplies is less expensive than a groomer, but will your dog sit still while you clip their nails? Sometimes, you may need outside help!

Medical Bills For Your Dog
For any dog, after their initial vaccinations, spay, and neuter, you'll need to go to the vet once a year, at the very least, for a wellness check and annual vaccinations.

Suppose your dog is diabetic or has any other ailment requiring regular medication. Not only do your bills increase for the medicine, but chances are your vet visits may be more frequent, as many illnesses require more check-ups to ensure their meds are working for them. The vet will also need to monitor them to see if any adjustments are required.
In addition, occasionally, your dog might need X-rays if they've injured themselves or are not behaving as they usually do. Blood tests, ultrasounds, and anesthesia are also common.
Pet Insurance
Pet insurance is helpful for these extra visits, but there are guidelines to follow, similar to insurance for humans. Similar to human insurance, pet insurance can get pricey, especially for multiple pets. There are monthly premiums, co-pays, and co-insurance.
Prescription Dog Food
Along that vein, some dogs require prescription foods and treats, which are almost double the cost of regular dog food.
As they age, they may also need supplements for arthritis and other issues that go hand-in-hand with elderly dogs.
I have two large dogs who eat much more than a smaller dog. They are relatively healthy but very active. This means more injuries. During the first month after I adopted them, my largest dog at 118 pounds injured his cruciate ligament and could barely walk. I haven't even had a chance to apply for health insurance yet! That was definitely expensive and unexpected!
Sometimes, these things happen when we least expect them and have to find a way to find the financial means to take care of our furry friends!
Surgeries aside, one healthy dog can cost at least five thousand dollars annually! Throw some injuries or illnesses into the ring, and that number can skyrocket.
Dogs provide us with so much joy and are worth every penny. However, it's essential to make sure we have the financial means and free time to give them proper care and attention.
