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Coyotes in Las Vegas

Updated: Jun 23, 2024

When buying a house in Vegas, you may find a few things on the contract that you won't find elsewhere. By signing your name, you agree that you've been told there are scorpions, rattlesnakes...and coyotes. 


A Coyote in the park
Coyotes are Beautiful Animals but We Must Respect Them

Believe it or not, the contracts advise about the wildlife in Vegas. In truth, I was surprised there was not a disclaimer about the blazing heat!


When I  first decided to move out west, I visited a development building in the middle of the desert. Of course, there were houses and shopping centers nearby, but like many desert communities, they start small and end big.


It's a common misconception that all that Vegas has to offer is gambling and heavy drinking on The Strip. I've even met a few people who were surprised that people actually lived here! Yes, it's true; there is civilization past Las Vegas Boulevard, which is as odd as it may seem.


Coyotes in Las Vegas

Once you venture off, away from the few miles of casinos, you'll find parks, recreation, entire residential communities, shopping centers, and other developments. If you explore long enough, you might eventually see some wildlife, including coyotes in Las Vegas!


There is a reason that some builders must disclose this information to buyers, as homeowners new to the area have expressed their surprise that there are potentially poisonous insects or vicious animals in the city. It's one way that the builders can protect themselves from lawsuits. Yes, there are coyotes in Las Vegas!


After living here for many years, I've had dozens of coyote sightings in my backyard. They can jump a six-foot wall without a problem! Thankfully, cameras are all over my property, so I usually get a warning when they are out there. The theory that they only come out at night is false. I saw them just as I was about to have a cup of coffee outside at 10:30 am. 


A coyote in the park during the day
Coyotes Don't Have a Curfew!

On another occasion, one crossed in front of my dog Ginger and me. My heart knocked a bit loudly, but the coyote didn't seem to care about us, and for that, I was grateful. While my dogs are large, they are not predators in any sense of the word.


A few years ago, a neighbor of mine was not so lucky. On one horrific night, he left his four small dogs outside and left the house for a few minutes to go to the grocery store only minutes from his house. When he came home, one of his dogs was severely injured, and another one...missing. The coyote climbed a six-foot wall and snatched the dog from his own backyard. The only evidence was a trail of blood leading to the fence. It was fortunate that he came home when he did otherwise that coyote would've been back for the other three.


That was the first I've heard of such a horrific attack, as while coyotes will scout a food source, many small animals in the area such as rabbits or mice, could easily satiate their appetite. While it wasn't entirely out of character for a coyote, it was out of the norm for this area.


Let's Talk Coyote

Coyotes in Las Vegas

Coyotes are smaller than a wolf, weighing anywhere from thirty to fifty pounds. They have perfected the skill of observational learning and will remember wherever they've previously located a food source. It is strongly advised that if you come into contact with a coyote, even if it appears friendly, do not feed it. They will remember it for life and come back for more. Once they no longer fear humans, they will not be as shy about lingering in residential areas.

Two coyotes at the dinner table
As a Dog Lover, it is Difficult Not to Feed Them But that is a no-no!

This, in turn, leads to more attacks on domestic animals and small children. It's also advised not to leave food in bowls or trash receptacles.


While attacks on humans don't happen too often, they definitely can occur.

Even though coyotes tend to feed on smaller animals such as rabbits and rodents, they will do whatever it takes to survive if they are starving.

Two coyotes at a dinner table
Coyotes Don't Attack for Fun. They Simply want to Survive


When famished, they may even attack a dog while the owner is holding its leash. Often, they paralyze or suffocate their prey as a means to kill it.


Coyotes are vocal animals, and their howls can be heard from miles away. I can attest to my yelling at them at 3 in the morning when their boisterous tones keep me awake at night. Okay, so I don't really yell at them, but I do hear them, loud and crystal clear. When the windows are open, I hear their howling, huffing, barking and yelping, so they are not exactly shy about making their presence known. It's a good indication that they are getting closer.


Coyotes in Las Vegas: Steps to Avoid an Attack

Though I have seen coyotes during the day, most of the time I've seen them after the sun has set for the evening or right before sunrise. Be aware that if you live in an area that shares its habitat with coyotes, that you may encounter one on an evening walk.


1.       If you have dogs and must use a doggy door, ensure that your dog knows how to use it properly to get back into the house and that a coyote cannot fit through the door! I've seen great doggy doors that lead to a completely fenced-in enclosure. The top is completely enclosed as well. That might be a good option if one must use a doggy door.


2.      In addition, ensure that there aren't any holes underneath your fence. However, One thing to remember is that a wall in itself might not be tall enough to keep a coyote out of your yard. They have been known to jump fences that are over eight feet in height. We've all heard the old saying, where there is a will, there's a way...and if desperate, they will find a way. They have an excellent sense of smell and will actually scout out an area and learn routines. 


For example, if you let Fido out at 8 pm and he stays outside by himself until 10 pm, your neighborhood coyote will record this in his predator's brain and then pounce to feed as soon as opportunity knocks. They are quick and agile and typically have no issues whatsoever in their hunting abilities. While they can survive on fruits and berries, their pickings might be slim here in the desert. During days of famine, they adhere to survival of the fittest.


Coyotes can travel in packs of two, but sometimes more. Even if you have a larger dog, they may not be up to fighting off an entire pack. 


I refrain from using a doggy door, and when I let my dogs out, I stay with them until they come in. A hungry coyote will do whatever it takes to acquire food.


3.      If you are walking about, you may want to carry a whistle, a small can of rocks, or anything that can make noise. Coyotes are skittish, and the slightest noise can scare them off. When I had one in my yard, all I had to do was open the door a little. The coyote heard it and quickly scurried away!


4. Be aware of your surroundings. While walking outside, we all tend to listen to music or talk to our friends on the phone sometimes, but stay alert and cognizant at all times!

While coyotes are labeled as vicious, I have to disagree. They don't attack for the fun of it. They attack to survive. It's much different than the neighborhood dog who attacks simply because he can!


If you live in or move to an area with diverse wildlife, it's a good idea to know what precautions to take to protect yourself. In truth, we humans are building on their land, and it is possible to co-exist, but we must remember they are not domestic animals. I love coyotes but admire them from a distance and wouldn't want to put myself or my pets in danger. We need to respect them but be smart about protecting ourselves, our loved ones, and our animals.


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2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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