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Dog Books for Dog Lovers


A cartoon puppy reading a book
Even Dogs Love Dog Books!

As an author and an avid reader, I know the frustration that accompanies searching for the perfect dog book. As a dog lover, I also know we sometimes prefer to read a dog book where the dog doesn't die at the end.

To streamline and facilitate your search for the dog book you are seeking, I've listed the dog books I have written and categorized them into Fiction Dog Books (including which ones are part of a series), Non-Fiction Dog Books, and a category called Other Dog Books. The ones in the 'other' category aren't fiction or non-fiction. I have compiled a medical journal for your pet and two different types of baby books for your dog or cat in two different sizes!

Whew! No wonder it's easy to get confused. I'll also have a page for my books that fall under a different genre, such as Suspenseful Romances featuring a Dog, Thrillers, and Inspirational books.

a cartoon dog with two books
You Can Never Have Too Many Dog Books!



Finally Home: Lessons on Life from a Free-Spirited Dog- A Funny and Inspirational Book about my Dog, Buddy.  Don’t worry, the dog is alive and well at the end! This is book one of a two-book series.

Final Journey: Buddys' Book-This is book 2 of the Finally Home series. This book is about pet loss and learning to love again.

Book covers for Finally Home and Final Journey
Finally Home Series

Peace, Love, Paws-This is a book on many different facets that accompany owning a dog, including the importance of pet nutrition, coping with the loss of a pet, and opening your heart to adopting a pet in need.

A beautiful collage of pictures of golden retrievers
Peace Love Paws. A Book about Grieving and Pet Loss

Goldie: A Day in the Life of a Blind Dog-An uplifting book about how to help your blind dog, and emphasizes that blind dogs can thrive!


A Blind Golden Retriever in a pool
Goldie was Blind When She Learned How To Swim

My Dog Does That!  This is a comical book about the antics our dogs entertain us with daily.  If you are a dog lover, you’ll be able to relate to it!

three puppies by a rock wall
A Funny Book About Dogs

Dog Book: It's All About the Dogs  This book can be read in order, or starting at any chapter.  It’s almost like an encyclopedia on caring for your dog.  It’s also great to give to someone who has never owned a dog!

A green book cover with the silhouette of a dog
A Dog Book About Dog Care, Dog Training and more



Paw Prints in the Sand-Book 1 of the Paw Prints Series.  An uplifting book that does shine a light on puppy mills.  The type of dog book that has a feel good ending.  And..the dog doesn’t die at the end!

Paw Prints in the Sand: Mission Accomplished:  Book 2 of the Paw Print Series-An uplifting book that asks that common question: Who rescued who?  The type of dog book that has a feel good ending.  And..the dog doesn’t die at the end!

Hearts of Gold Book 3 of the Paw Prints Series-A heartwarming book for dog lovers.  The type of dog book that has a feel good ending.  And..the dog doesn’t die at the end!

Three Book covers for dog books -each has a golden retriever on the cover
Paw Prints in the Sand Series

Dogs Behaving Badly-This is a heartwarming book that is great for dog lovers, but for anyone as well!  The type of dog book that has a feel good ending.  And..the dog doesn’t die at the end!

A cover of a book that has a yorkie, husky and German Shepherd puppy
A Heartwarming Dog book for Dog Lovers

Reflections on Life, Love, and Dogs- A fictional story, inspired by realistic life events.  A book about dogs, their lives, and their world.  A book for those who love them.  For those who cherish them.  And for those who enjoy the companionship and love that dogs provide to us. (The dog doesn’t die at the end)!

A cover of a dog book, red and green with shadow of a dog
A Fiction Dog Book Inspired by Real Events



Bark Out Loud! An inspirational book of quotes inspired by dogs

A book cover that has 4 golden retrievers
An Inspirational Book of Quotes Inspired by Dogs

Fur-Baby's Keepsake Book - A One-of-a-Kind, Fill-In-The-Blank Keepsake for your Dog.  6x9

In this black and white book, you'll find dozens of topics to talk about regarding your dog's first years and beyond.  A canine version of the human baby books, there's plenty of room for photographs and threaded between is a spot for you to paste an envelope with a piece of your dog's fur or old ID tags.

A black and white cover featuring a dog
Dogs Deserve Baby Books!


In this full color, illustrated and photograph-rich book, you'll find dozens of topics to talk about regarding your dog's first years and beyond.  A canine version of the human baby books, there's plenty of room for photographs and threaded between is a spot for you to paste an envelope with a piece of your dog's fur or old ID tags.

Perfect for your own dog, or as a gift to someone who just welcomed their own canine fur baby into their house. 


A puppy German Shepherd on the cover of a book
Too Cute!

A One-of-a-Kind, Fill-In-The-Blank Keepsake book for your kitty or cat.  Record special moments!

In this full color, illustrated book, you'll find dozens of topics to talk about regarding your cat's first years and beyond.  A feline version of the human baby books, there's plenty of room for photographs and threaded between is a spot for you to paste an envelope with a piece of your cat's fur or old ID tags. 

The perfect book to capture precious memories, record milestones and attach keepsakes.  Also included is an emergency contact card to print and carry with you.


3 kittens in a basket- cover of a book

In this black and white, 6x9 book, you'll find dozens of topics to talk about regarding your cat's first years and beyond.  A feline version of the human baby books, there's plenty of room for photographs and threaded between is a spot for you to paste an envelope with a piece of your cat's fur or old ID tags.


A black and white kitten on a book
Record Your Cat's Milestones!

A golden retriever on a book cover
It's Fun to Color!

Love of Dogs Journal – with Quotes!-A lined notebook with quotes on each page.

A journal with the words love on it
Perfect and Fun Journal!

Pet’s Medical Journal- I thought of a journal because while I've been fortunate with some of my dogs only needing to visit the vet for their annual checkup, I've also had dogs (especially my current dog) who needs to visit the vet at least once a month on a good month. I found documenting these occurrences extremely helpful. It's a great tool not only for your current pet, but if future pets develop any of the same symptoms or illnesses. I find it's so hard to keep track, especially if you have more than one pet at a time. This is an easy, detailed way to look back and see what worked and what didn't.

Included, you’ll find space for twenty separate entries:

Emergency Contact Numbers

Vet Visits

Vaccination Records



Symptoms should illnesses arise

Notes for your Dog Sitter

Feeding Instructions

Helpful Tips



…and more!

Two puppies and a kitten on the front of a book and a dog with the vet on the back cover
Not Only Helpful, But Adorable!



2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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