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Heartwarming Dog TAILS!

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

Inspiration can be obtained from so many sources. Perhaps the most overlooked source, however, is the inspiration we get from our pets.

Personally, my dogs have been some of the greatest inspirations throughout my lifetime.

Often, it is easy to forget or lose focus on what a big role they play in our lives.

Bittersweet reminders occur during the times when our pets become ill, or we start to notice that the aging process is becoming a more frequent reality.

This week was that time for me. Goldie, who had to have her eyes enucleated a few years ago after her battle with glaucoma, and who also has hip dysplasia, became ill with vestibular disease. Thankfully, this is a disease that most often goes away on its own. However, before knowing what was wrong with her, I thought I was losing her.

A surefire sign of this disease is the eyes swaying back and forth. Since Goldie no longer has eyes, I didn’t even look there, nor did I notice her eye muscles moving rapidly until her veterinarian pointed it out!

Before I could bring her to the vet, I spent the night making her as comfortable as possible. During this time (mind you, with zero sleep), I had time to reflect on what a great comfort Goldie has been which then led me down a path to what an amazing life I had with all of my dogs.

Goldie, who only came to my life three years ago, has been through such a tough time: The pain she endured from glaucoma, two major surgeries, adjusting to newfound blindness, her brother Duke—whom she loved beyond belief—passing away on Valentines day, and taking a drive across the country with me to explore an entirely new life.

The past few years have been trying times for me as well and while I try not to lose sight of the positive things in life, during times of strife, it’s easy to dwell on the negative. While there were exciting things on the horizon for me, there were also many situations that, shall we say, put me in a less than stellar mood! Goldie’s pain also became my constant worry and Duke dying was a major heartbreak. During that same year, I also was divorced and, on my birthday, found out I had DCIS!! To say it was a bit difficult is an understatement.

However, whenever I wanted to throw a grand pity party, I looked to Goldie. This dog, who had been through such tumultuous times and faced so many challenges, still managed to not only live, but still play, bark, goof around and wag that beautiful tail. Blind to the world around her, she still managed to hug everyone she had met, and be as loving and as gentle as she had always been. Her personality or spark did not fizzle with her losses. Even though, after Duke died, Goldie was noticeably upset, she perked up once she got a new friend, Ginger.

So, how dare I throw any sort of pity party for myself when Goldie had been through SO much more in such a short time.

Needless to say, she has been the glue that has held me together.

Looking back, I realize all of my dogs have done the same in their own unique way. While thankfully, previous years weren’t half as devastating as the past couple of years, there were, of course difficult times.

Books for Dog Lovers, dog lover books
Buddy Senior

Heartwarming Dog TAILS

I look back to Buddy, star of my book Finally Home who could raise my temper to the highest it has ever been when he’d steal everything I considered valuable, (including money) only to settle me into laughter with his insane antics. He filled my days with mischief but my nights with the most heartwarming snuggles I’ve ever encountered! He inspired me to write and publish my first book, Finally Home: Lessons on Life from a Free-Spirited Dog.

Books for Dog Lovers, dog lover books

Brandi, who would sit on the couch with me (or anyone for that matter) and cuddle up right next to said person. Without fail, she’d look back at the person and fall into their lap. It became such her routine, that I had to warn people to please catch her and hold her because she just assumed that they would! She was the calmest and handled everything as if it were no big deal, from normal daily activities to getting attacked by another dog! She taught me to take a breath every now and then and try to relax!

Books for Dog Lovers, dog lover books

Oh wait, I might have lied. Toffee was a handful too so I think her and Buddy Senior are in a tie for getting me crazy! However, there was nothing more precious to me than waking up to Toffee walking on my back, sticking her face under mine and smothering me with kisses. Now, of course, I know she was motivated for this as Toffee wanted to eat, but, still endearing nonetheless! Oh, this dog. This dog inspired me to be Patient!!

Each had their own special way about them.

Books for Dog Lovers, dog lover books
Buddy Junior

Buddy Jr. who loved to kiss despite all of his fears, but would look away in shyness after he did so! He also loved to play peek-a-boo and would wag his tail so rapidly when he would finally see the person’s face who was playing with him! He learned to trust even though he was terrified of his own shadow due to an incident that happened prior to meeting him. (He was shot with a bb gun and had a bullet lodged by his ribs)! He inspired me while it is not easy to trust even if you've been hurt before, sometimes, it may just be worth it!

Books for Dog Lovers, dog lover books

Duke- In his strongest days, his method to waking me up wasn’t walking on my back like Toffee. It was sticking his giant head under my chest and literally pushing my entire body UP! Now, that is a wake-up call!

And his love of toys. It brings a smile to my face to think of the time I walked in the house wearing fluffy gloves and Duke thought they were a toy. Instead of waiting for me to take them off, he gently grabbed them (my hands still in them) and walked me around the house like a giant toy, playfully growling as we walked.

In 2016, he was diagnosed with melanoma and given three months at most, to live. He stayed with me for almost another year. During that year, he never faltered and was always happy even though he might not have felt his best. He loved everyone he met. He inspired me in many ways, however, the way he was with Goldie inspired me the most. He knew she couldn't see, and didn't complain once as she tripped over him, or walked on his head. He'd just look at me with those soulful eyes as if to say, "it's ok, Mom!' He inspired me to be more understanding and although I can't live up to his standards, it's something I strive for each day!

All of these small but memorable details remind me of just how much they have inspired me. And I’m sure dog lovers can relate with your own memories. It is when you are having the worst of days, one silly antic from your dog can set you in the right mood. It’s as if they know they need to pull a trick out of their doggy sleeves to make their beloved family member laugh. Our dogs are what inspire such Heartwarming Dog TAILS. (A little fun with words there)!

Books for Dog Lovers, Dog Lover books
Ginger (left) and Goldie (right)

Goldie seems to sense exactly when I need to laugh and pulls through like clockwork. She is the one of the biggest attention hounds I’ve met so when I stop petting her, she throws her head back and barks. Three barks in the sound of “you, you, you!!!” This brings me to how she inspired me to coin the phrase, “Spank my uncle and call me Goldie.” When my brother (Goldie’s uncle) visited, he laid down on the floor with her and was petting her. Taking a break, he laid on his stomach and Goldie sat up, walked up beside him and well, spanked him right on the butt! Oh, why don’t I have that on video?! One of the funniest moments and hence, the title was born. I love funny dog stories. Dogs are so innocent and might not even know they are being funny, but I have a feeling that they do!

Then, last but not least, there’s Ginger who loves to dance and throw her toys around. I only discovered this after seeing her shake her toys and I began singing the hokey-pokey to her. Not only did she shake it all about, but she ran around the room in her own little dance! Now, all I need to do is say “Ginger, you put your left foot in….” and she gets up and does her version of the hokey pokey. (So, are you singing that song in your head yet)?

A golden retriever hugging a man
Dogs Make Every Day Special

After Duke passed away, I swore I would never get another dog. Ginger inspired me to love again and that while dogs may not be with us forever, the lessons and inspirations they provide to us last forever!

So, to sum it up. We never know how long our pets will be with us. We get eye-openers sometimes that reveal what a significant role they play in our lives and how much we truly love them.

Go ahead, hug your pup. Never take them for granted. You are their world and though they won’t be with us forever, now is a good time to show them how much they are cherished!

Thanks for reading! ~Elizabeth Parker- Author of dog books for dog lovers


2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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