Virtuous Victory-An Inspirational and uplifting book.
Giovanna and her family lived in a modest home in a charming and quiet town. Her parents struggled financially and, amidst their hardships, often became disturbed by worldwide events. They frowned upon watching, but yet, they watched it faithfully.
As a young girl, Giovanna couldn’t understand that uplifting news was never mentioned or televised, and people rarely even spoke about it.
She wanted to make a difference. She wanted to prove that there were decent people in the world and that individuals perform good deeds daily. The public just never hears about it or knows about it. It’s thought of as not good enough to report.
Giovanna believed differently. She devised a strategy that would change people’s viewpoints. Against other’s well-meaning advice to abandon her project, she only became more determined and laughed in the face of adversity.
She set forth a plan in motion. Little by little, she developed new ideas, found ways to inform the public and advertise her mission. She imagined adults starting their day with their morning cup of coffee. However, instead of watching the news, they tuned into her channel.
Her channel was different. It broadcasted news. That much was certain. The difference was her channel only reported on the kindness of strangers. She noted the good deeds that happen daily but go unnoticed.

She began to research this idea against the advice of naysayers. She carried a notebook with her wherever she went. What started as one or two weekly stories snowballed into at least ten per day.
Giovanna created a blog and posted every detail. Soon, instead of having to search for stories, people came to her full of enthusiasm.
She realized humanity wasn’t dead; it had just been hiding.
Inspiration for All
While she loved writing, she took her ideas to the next level. She created a channel where she could interview people with news to report.
The heartwarming stories they told her were fascinating—strangers who went out of their way for the benefit of others.
Giovanna began to realize that the smallest good deed can significantly impact another’s life.
She loved learning all the little favors that people did but was looking for a story that would make a difference in someone’s life. She got more than she asked for.

Her cousin in New York is a teacher in a poor neighborhood. She teaches third grade. The teacher across the hall discovered many children had never been on a boat. Field trips were rare in this school, as most families had no money to pay for them.
As a treat, this teacher decided to raise money for his entire class to go on a field trip on the Circle Liner, a large sightseeing boat that circles around Manhattan.
But, he didn’t raise money the traditional way of having his students sell candy bars and cookies. Most of the kids don’t come from families with money. Some can’t even buy school supplies. He didn’t want them to ask family and friends to purchase anything.
Instead, he took it upon himself to act as a handyman to neighbors or people who needed assistance with odd jobs. He was highly knowledgeable about how to fix most household appliances and outside fixtures such as fences, cement work, and the like.
On it, the kids would get a close-up of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Yankee Stadium, and more.
It took him six months to raise over one thousand dollars, which covered the cost for each child.
His friends and family thought he was crazy. After all, he devoted much of his life to the classroom without the reward of the compensation he deserved.
He explained it wasn’t about the money. He didn’t mind fixing things; people were happy that their house was repaired and the money was going toward the children.
He wanted the kids to experience something new and beautiful.
They felt fortunate and cruised around Manhattan on a beautifully sunny day. For that day, they were the wealthiest children in the neighborhood, and nothing else mattered. The look on the kids’ faces proved that he had made the right decision. He claimed that their joy was enough to make it all worthwhile.

Some kids never go anywhere except from home and back to school. They would have never enjoyed that day without the teacher’s hard work and altruism.

The kids never forgot him, and he enjoyed doing it so much that he tried to do something similar for his new students every year.
That was only one story. The rest kept flooding in faster than Giovanna could keep up.
What started as a tiny idea in a young girl’s mind flourished into a national sensation. However, Giovanna’s crusade wasn’t finished. She decided to write a book that became a best-seller by the time she was nineteen.
Giovanna reflected on when she first began this journey and smiled. She had wanted to make an impact, but although it took a lot of work and perseverance, she succeeded.
It’s incredible that in this big world, where we all seem to be so diverse, people from every walk of life have affected, or have been affected positively by the kind acts of one another. The smallest gesture can make another person’s life easier, if even for a moment.

You never know if the person standing next to you could use just a little something to brighten their day. Tragedy and turmoil affect us all during different seasons of our lives. Every so often, wouldn’t it be nice to lift someone’s spirits and see them walk away with a smile? Making a difference in someone's day is enough to be the inspiration for all!