Just a fun post to break up the day. I think we need these once in a while!
Remember When?
Sounds like those yearbook entries, doesn't it? I’m now in my fifties. Ouch. When and how did that happen? It truly seems like just yesterday when I was a teenager in high school trying to figure out how the world works. Not much has changed. I still haven't figured it out yet. But, I go on my merry way, consistently thinking, rearranging priorities, and entertaining new hobbies. In the midst of all that, I look back and think, whatever happened to...? Fill in the blanks.
So, here are some things I remember. Let's see if you do too.
Okay, so this is first and foremost:
Fudgetown Cookies-Does anyone remember these things? Unfortunately, I do. And I miss them. Six in a pack, six packs in a box. Whatever happened to them?!

2. Which Witch by Milton Bradley
Which Witch-Okay, did anyone have this game other than my sister and I? It was sort of a pop-up board game and also had a chimney. Not sure what went down there. A marble? A witch maybe? Not sure. Anyone?
3. Rebound
Rebound-Not even sure who made this one, but it was a long game. I mean long in length. You threw a marble wrapped in a plastic cover down the board, which bounced off a rubber band and then went around the loop. There were about three scores you could hit, or it would completely fall off. It was a mustard yellow color. Do they even sell this anymore?
4. Biutoni pita pizzas
Biutoni pita pizzas- I know they have regular ones now. However, they used to have pizza in a pita that you could put in the toaster. They were delicious (or so I thought back then), quick, and easy to make. Don't eat 'em too soon, or you'll burn your tongue off.

5. Eight-track tape player
Eight-track tape player- I can honestly say I don't miss this one bit. Not at all. I even recall the four tapes I had. Journey, Boston, Styx, and Aerosmith. Did they make any more than that for these things? Do kids these days know what they are?

6. Lunch boxes
Lunch boxes with a thermos and a pack of Trident or Dentyne gum. Nowadays, you're lucky if you get a thermos. Lunch boxes were decorated with your favorite cartoon characters.
7. Rotary Phones
Rotary Phones- Does anyone still have one? Do you recall the frustration if you dialed the seven-digit phone number and then made a mistake? The horror!

8. Monchichi dolls
Monchichi dolls- I really don't miss them at all. But, if you know what they are, you're probably mad at me right now because you're singing the song. :) Me too.
9. Encyclopedias
Encyclopedias-Real Ones. Not online ones. Gosh, when we did research papers, we had to go through these things page by page, borrow books from the library, and then go back because nine times out of ten, we borrowed the wrong book! Do you remember when we lived like this? Do kids have it easier these days with online encyclopedias? They sure do!

10. Friendship bracelets
Friendship bracelets-Now that I love making bracelets, I thought about these. Does anyone recall? I remember they involved safety pins and tiny beads. Then what? How did we put them on a bracelet? Anyone know?

So Much More!
Let’s not forget pay phones, real film in real cameras, flashcubes, clunky video cameras, polaroids, typewriters that weighed a ton (Ok, so I recently just bought one at an antique store). They still look cool! How about needing two keys for your car, and so much more?
Amazingly, we had the room in our house for all of these things! Although, I miss those days, and for those that grew up during that time, it was simpler and a bit more quaint. At least in my opinion!
If you can add to this list, please comment. And if you know the answers to my questions, please comment too. Enquiring minds want to know! Well, at least mine does!
I apologize if this post made you crave sweet, pizza and are heading out to eat singing old commercial theme songs!