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Ten Tips To Save Money

Updated: Aug 19, 2024


With the current economy the way it is, many people are rubbing nickels together to pay their rent, mortgage, or simply to put gasoline in their cars.  The cost of a tank of gas for a compact car tips the scales way over the forty and fifty dollar mark.  Is there any relief in sight? 

For those who can pay their daily bills, saving money in a bank account is not always an option when you are just getting by.  There are, however, other ways to save. 

Here are Ten Tips To Save Money and Keep Expenses Down!

A pretty blue two story house in a yard
There are Many Ways to Save!

1. Household Items:

You can buy the no-frills brand for certain things and never notice a difference.  When shopping at the supermarket, look for the cheapest items and give them a try.  You may find that you even like them better!  Buy your house cleaners and detergents at the discount retailers and take note of how much you’ll save.  Some have a section where you can buy food, saving anywhere from a few pennies to a few bucks on certain products.  Don’t forget to clip coupons.  The savings add up!  Also, be sure to get a store card from your supermarket.   Many grocery stores also have digital coupons which help you save even more.  Find out which ones are linked to gas stations and help save at the pump.  Or, join Costco or Sam’s Club.  They also will help you save money at their gas stations.

A cartoon car at the gas station with dollar signs
Little Savings Add Up!

2. Entertainment: 

How much do you spend on your cable bill each month?  If you have hit a rough patch and are having difficulty paying your bills, how about downsizing to a fundamental package until you get back on your feet?  Better yet, switch to an antenna.  This can save anywhere from twenty to over one hundred dollars per month, depending on your current plan.  Or, if you need to have something on television, try the Internet-based companies that stream movies and television shows for under $10/per month! 

You can still go out and have fun!  However, to save a little extra, look for deals online.  Las Vegas has a great membership if you enjoy shows.  It’s called  You have access to shows all year long for a small annual fee.  One membership fee is for you and a guest, or upgrade to get four tickets to each show.  I’ve taken advantage of this and have seen almost every show in town for free! Check if your city/state has similar offers!

a bunch of people at a bar
You Can Still Have Fun!

Instead of joining a gym, spend time in nature! There's something to be said about being outside and surrounding yourself with beautiful scenery while you take a walk!

A lavender field
Exercise Doesn't Need to Cost Money!

3. Books: 

You can even save money on books.  EBooks have been the most current hype and the best part is twofold: You don’t need to BUY the Kindle.  You can download their free program onto your computer or smartphone.  Then all you need to do is buy the books, which brings me to my second point: kindle books (and many eBooks) are often MUCH cheaper than paperbacks or hardcovers.  Some paperbacks may sell for over $10.00, while the eBook version may only cost $3.99(or less)!  You can also borrow books from your local library, including Kindle and audiobooks!  Once you get a membership from your library, you can download the Libby app.  Link this to your library account and read for free, including kindles and audiobooks! 

4. ebay and Other Online Sales Platforms:

Have old items or items that you do not use anymore?  Why not go on eBay, create an account, and sell them there?  You can sell anything from old albums, CDs, DVDs, books, clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry…the list is endless.

5. Etsy:  

Do you have a particular craft you enjoy?  You can sell those crafts on Etsy!  You don’t need a physical store location; you can sign up in minutes.  You’ll need to take good pictures of your items and upload them, add a description, and set a price.  Etsy does take a small percentage from the sale of your items, but it’s nice to have a little extra income for all of your hard work!

6. Meal Prep: 

This may sound redundant, but many people spend up to $800 a month dining out.  That’s a car payment or two!  You may want to think about planning your meals on a day you have time to make them, and then freeze them until you’re ready.  You can save boatloads of money this way and learn some new recipes in the process!

A woman cooking in the kitchen
Cooking at Home is Healthier and Less Expensive

7. Shop Around: 

 If you haven’t looked at your car insurance, home insurance, or health insurance policy in a while, take a look and check prices elsewhere.  The same holds true for utility bills and cell phone plans.  Think about all your features, and then compare them to the features you need.  You may find that you can eliminate some “extras” you don’t need!

8. Create a Budget (and Stick to it): 

If you haven’t already done so, keep a list of your monthly expenditures.  Seeing it in front of you helps you decide if there’s anything you can eliminate.  It also gives you a benchmark on how much money to put aside for each item.  You can do this in a simple Excel Spreadsheet or search online for free budgeting apps.  

9. Save Your Change! 

There’s something to be said for a piggy bank.  Each time you get change or a little extra cash you don’t need, simply put it in your bank and “forget” it’s there until next time you can add to it.  When it gets full, deposit into your savings account.  You’ll be surprised how much money you’ll be able to save, even if it’s little by little.  

A pink piggy bank surrounded by change
Save Those Pennies!

10. Conserve Energy: 

You may not realize how many items are running even when not in use.  If you have a computer you use sparingly, perhaps turn the surge protector off until you’re ready to power it on.  Is your house a little too cool?  Even adjusting the temperature a few degrees will help save money.  The same is true for your heating bill.  Check around your house and see what items are unnecessarily plugged in.  I.e. the toaster, a printer, a lamp that’s not often used, televisions, etc.

a lightbulb
Conserve Energy

Hopefully, these ten tips to save money will give you some ideas of things you can do to curb spending. You would be surprised how a few small changes to your budget can make a big difference in your wallet.

 I’m sure there are other people out there with great ideas on how to cut back as well.  If so, feel free to comment!  In what ways do you save money?


a woman embracing a rainbow
Where There's a Will, There's a way


2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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